Dolly Days 2018 a East 59 - Lady Aurelia

Dolly Days u IT už téměř finishují. První den nám naservírovali tělíčka. Druhý den, tedy úterý, jsme měli mostnost vstoupit do loterie o koupi panenky NuFace. Třetí den to byla loterie o Vanessu z Lotosové kolekce. Tedy nic nového.
Tento čtvrtý předposlední den nám IT servíruje panenku z linie East 59. Představujeme tedy Lady Aurelii Greyovou.

Item # 73010
Midnight Kiss
Lady Aurelia Grey™ Dressed Doll
The East 59th® Collection
Approx. Ship Date:
Mid to late January 2019
Sold Via Authorized IT Dealers
Edition Size: 500
Head Sculpt: Aurelia (New Sculpt!)
Body Type: E59
Foot Sculpt: High-heeled
Skin Tone: Light Honey
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand-applied
Quickswitch: No
A tentokráte přidávám i její příběh tak, jak jej napsali IT. Nebudu překládat.

After she fell in love and married Lord Grey, a young and handsome British aristocrat while still in college, Brooklyn born and raised Lady Aurelia Grey moved to the old continent with her beloved husband to launch what would soon become an incredible career in fashion design, which eventually lead to the creation of one of Europe's most sought after couture houses, Grey Of London.

A great beauty who could have been a model herself, Lady Aurelia quickly became a true sensation with the upper crust and was recognized as the "go to" designer for anyone with a title, as well as all the celebrities of the world who acted like they had one.

When she heard that her fashion muse and close friend Victoire Roux was about to make her big debut on American runways, Lady Aurelia appointed herself as Victoire's personal stylist and made sure that everyone in New York knew who she was. Of course, it didn't take long for the other ladies of East 59th to notice those impeccably crafted clothes and demand that Lady Aurelia start designing for them, as well!

